Information For Authors

The aim of the Canadian Review of Policing Research is to attract a broad scope of readers. Therefore, the editors of the Review encourage contributions from a range of professional disciplines, including police, academic, and policy research, as well as from private security agencies.

The Canadian Review of Policing Research is now inviting submissions from published researchers. Those who are interested in contributing research reviews are invited to contact the editors of the CRPR to obtain the required format for a descriptive summary of their recently published works (e.g., research reports, policy or discussion papers, journal articles, and books).

Articles submitted to the Review will be organized according to the following subject areas:

Policing Theory and Policy - broad theoretical and conceptual research and policing policy issues and debates;

Policing Management and Organization - various aspects of police organization, leadership and management;

Operational Practices and Programs - applied research, such as evaluation of police programs;

Police Scholarship - police educators, training, and learning; and

Other - information regarding ongoing research publications, new policing research activities and book reviews.

Correspondence should be sent to the CRPR editors in accordance with the above subject areas:

Policing Theory and Policy
Chris Murphy
Canadian Review of Policing Research
Dept. of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Dalhousie University
Halifax, N.S. B3H 4H6

Policing Management and Organization
Tonita Murray
Associate Editor
Canadian Review of Policing Research
Canadian Police College
P.O. Box 8900
Ottawa, Ont. K1G 3J2

Operational Practices and Programs
Curtis Clarke
Associate Editor
Canadian Review of Policing Research
Coordinator, BPA-Criminal Justice
Athabasca University
1 University Drive
Athabasca, Alta. T9S 3A3

Police Scholarship/Other
Ted Herbert
Associate Editor
Canadian Review of Policing Research
7 Highcroft Road
Barrie, Ont. L4N 2X3 or


General Information

The editors of the Canadian Review of Policing Research are committed to publishing clearly written and informative summaries of new or recent research reports, articles or books. Summaries should be submitted by the original author(s). The research described should be original and conform to academically recognized standards of social science data collection and analysis.

As a condition of publication, the author(s) must provide access to the original report, article, or book to facilitate dissemination and use of the research results. This may done by including a publication reference, e-mail address or contact person in the summary footnotes. The author(s) should also consider sending a copy of the original report, article or book to the Canadian Police College library which has a special collection of Canadian police research. The website address is


There are four subject-matter categories for submissions. Priority will be given to research summaries that fit into these categories. Please identify the category for your work and contact the relevant associate editor:

  • Chris Murphy: Policing Theory and Policy
  • Curtis Clark: Operational Practices and Programs
  • Tonita Murray: Policing Management and Organization
  • Ted Herbert: Police Learning and Development.

Length of summary

Summaries should be no less than 1000 words and no more than 1500 words, or six double spaced pages


Normally, the research summarized should have been completed within the last two years. The Review will be published once a year, usually in the fall. Submissions will be accepted throughout the year but must be received at least three months before the publication date. Summaries received less than three months before publication will be held over until the next year.

Editing procedures

The associate editor will be your direct contact for acceptance and publication and will negotiate the final product with you. The associate editor will approve the submission for entry, and edit it for content and style. It will be returned with revision suggestions, after which the Editor will approve the final draft for publication. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that the submission conforms to the review format.


The organization of the summary should follow the outline normally used for a research article. It should include:

  • Purpose: the reason why the research or analysis was undertaken, and its relation to theory, policy, or practice (approximately 300 words).
  • Methodology: describe the research methods used (approximately 200 words).
  • Findings: The most important findings from the research. Selected tables or graphs may be used to help illustrate approximately 600words).
  • Conclusions and Implications: the conclusions drawn from the findings; for example, any implications for policing theory, practice or policy (approximately 400words).

In certain cases, this structure will not be appropriate for a summary. If you believe another structure would be more suitable, please discuss it with the associate editor of the section for which you are writing your summary before you start writing.

Format and style

To make the Review as accessible as possible, please write in plain language and avoid obscure terminology and complex statistical analysis.

Electronic submissions are preferred. If you submit a hard copy, please attach a diskette or CD of the text to aid editing. Word text processing should be used to type the summary. Use letter size paper (8.5 x 11 inches) with portrait orientation. Top, bottom and right-hand margins should be one inch wide. The left margin should be one and a half inches wide. The font should be Times New Roman, regular style, size 12.

1. Header

The name of the author and the title of the paper should appear in a header in Times New Roman, regular style, size 10 on each page of the report. The header should be justified to the left side of the page. If the title is a long one, a shortened form should be used, but it must be used consistently. If there are more than two authors, the name of the first author should appear followed by "et al".

2. Pagination

Pages should be numbered consecutively, with the page number appearing in the bottom right-hand corner.

3. Spacing

Double spacing between lines should be used for the body of the text. A double space should be used between titles, sub-titles and the body of text. Two spaces should be used between the end of one sentence and the beginning of a new sentence.

4. Headings

Bold capitals should be used for a major heading. The title case (each word capitalized, except for conjunctions such as "and", "of" etc.) should be used for sub-headings. It should be in boldface. Do not use periods after titles. Titles should not contain references to footnotes; put any necessary acknowledgements or explanations in a footnote to the first sentence of the summary.

The following numbering system for headings and sub-headings should be used.



5. Spelling

Canadian spelling is preferable but, if you use American or British spelling, be consistent in its use throughout the paper.

6. Gender neutral language

Use words that are gender neutral such as "person", "humankind", "police officers".

7. Tables, maps and figures

Tables, maps and figures should have titles. In addition, tables should have one set of numbering and figures another, eg. Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2. If tables or figures are included in the body of the text, where possible they should be compiled and formatted using programs in the Microsoft office suite. Alternatively, they might be put on separate sheets with a title, paginated in sequence with the text, and reference made to them in the text. Alternatively, they may be appended after the summary and reference to their location made in the text. The top margin of pages containing tables and figures oriented to "landscape" presentation should be rotated to the left hand margin for printing and binding purposes.

8. Footnotes

Use footnotes rather than endnotes or source references in the text of the paper. These can be automatically formatted and numbered by the use of the footnote function in your word processing program. Use the regular Times New Roman font size 10. A footnote is written as if it were a sentence.

The source information that should be included in citations of books, monographs and reports is:

  • author's name
  • complete title of the book
  • editor, compiler or translator, if any
  • series, if any, and volume or number of the series
  • edition, if not the original
  • facts of publication (city where published, publisher, and date of publication)
  • page number(s) of the particular citation

The source information that should be included in citations of articles is:

  • title of the article
  • title of the periodical
  • volume (and issue number) of the periodical
  • date of the volume or issue
  • page number(s) of the article

9. Bibliographies

Please keep bibliographies short, perhaps by citing only the major works used in the original research.