Table of Contents
Policing Theory and Policy
Christopher Murphy
Keeping Open Windows: Police as Access Brokers
Willem de Lint
Critical Reflections on International Organized Crime, Money Laundering, and Corruption
Margaret E. Beare
Policing the Cultural Kaleidoscope: Recent Canadian Experience
Philip C. Stenning
Data, Denials and Confusion: The Racial Profiling Debate in Toronto
Scot Wortley, Julian Tanner
The Military Technostructures of Policing
Kevin D. Haggerty, Richard V. Ericson
Re-imagining Policing in Canada
Dennis Cooley
Nightclub Security and Surveillance
George S. Rigakos
Exploring the Role of Private Sector Financial Investigative Agencies in Combating Money Laundering in Canada
Stephen Schneider
Two Weights, Two Measures: Reflections on Police Governance in Canada
Scott Burbidge
Operational Practices and Programs
Curtis Clarke
RCMP Research and Evaluation: Branch Research Program
Marcel-Eugène LeBeuf
Lessons about Justice from the 'Laboratory' of Wrongful Convictions: Tunnel Vision, the Construction of Guilt and Informer Evidence
Dianne L. Martin
A Model of Unethical and Unprofessional Police Behaviour
David Sunahara
Do Crisis Negotiators Practice What They Preach?
Mike Webster
A Measure of Police Performance: Analyzing Police Clearance and Charge Statistics
Marc Ouimet, Paul-Philippe Paré
The Impact of Adequacy Standards upon Ontario Police Services
Scott Blandford
Maximizing IMPACT: The Edmonton Police Service's Intelligence-led Policing (ILP) Model
David Veitch, John Warden, Jonathan Alston, Laura Thue
Policing Management and Organization
Tonita Murray
The Rationalization of Canadian Public Policing: A study of the impact and implications of resource limits and market strategies.
Christopher Murphy
Restructuring the Winnipeg Police Service
Al Carron
A Study of the Relationship in Canadian Police Services between Strategic Human Resource Management and Contemporary Policing
Terry Coleman
Building International Capacity and Leadership Talent in the RCMP: A role for the International Liaison Program
Cal Corley
Misconduct among Previously Experienced Officers: Issues in the Recruitment and Hiring of "Gypsy Cops"
John Middleton-Hope
The Canadian Police Executive Community and its Pressures
Tonita Murray
Police Learning and Development
Ted Herbert
Building the Next Generation of Leaders in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Deborah Doherty
Police Field Training Officers: It's the Singer, Not the Song
Mike Novakowski
PPO Start: an Evaluation of the Probation and Parole Officer Basic Training Program
Vicki Léger
Orientation to Web-based Learning for Healthcare Educators in the Workplace
Jo-Anne Willment, Jose Pereira, Jacqueline Lyndon, Heather Mahoney